The mission of the K9 Division is to enhance public safety by utilizing highly trained, specialized canine teams to deter crime, detect contraband, locate missing persons, track suspects, and apprehend criminals.

The San Andreas State Trooper employ dual purpose K9s that are capable of detection in either explosive/weapon/technology or narcotics. All of our K9s are capable of patrol functions.

The Environmental Wildlife Troopers will operate cadaver dogs that also have patrol training to assist in search and rescue as well as recovery operations. EWT K9 Handlers will follow all policies of the SAST K9 and EWT divisions while on duty.

Division Policies

  • All Troopers must hold the rank of Trooper II to be eligible to join the division.
  • K9 units should avoid being involved in any high-speed pursuit whenever possible and should not be the primary unit.
  • K9 units are not authorized to conduct PIT maneuvers.
  • Vehicle operations that are found to be dangerous to the working dog or cause injury to a working dog will result in disciplinary action and possible loss of K9 Handler status.
  • Any injury to the working dog must be reported to a K9 Supervisor and seen by a department veterinarian before it can be cleared to return to duty.
  • All K9 Handlers must demonstrate their ability to role-play with a K9 to a K9 Field Training Officer or Supervisor before being cleared to operate on their own.

Division Structure/Chain of Command

Division PositionDutiesVehicles
K9 Division Commander or Trooper-in-ChargeResponsible for overseeing the division and reporting to the department command.K9 Handler III and above are authorized for all K9 Division vehicles.
Supervisors may utilize slick top or unmarked options as available to them based on rank and department policy.
K9 Field SupervisorResponsible for the day-to-day operations of the division and personnel training.
K9 Training SupervisorResponse for the training of all personnel and certification of K9 FTOs.
K9 Field Training OfficerResponsible for training new K9 personnel and suggesting personnel advancement within the division. Must be a K9 Handler III & department FTO.
K9 Handler IIISenior K9 Handler, eligible to become FTO if desired.2019 K9 Tahoe
K9 Handler IIFully qualified K9 handlers who have completed their probationary period.2016 K9 FPIU
2018 K9 Charger
K9 Handler IProbationary K9 Handler who has completed their initial training.2014 K9 Tahoe
K9 Handler TraineeAccepted into the K9 Division but required to do their ride-along and initial training. 
The rank of Trooper II is required to join the division.

Deployment Standards 

Our K9 division can deploy as regular patrol or provide assistance when required for the following circumstances:

  1. Apprehension of fleeing suspects
  2. Assisting other officers
  3. Search and Rescue situations
  4. Patrolling areas with higher crime activity
  5. Searching vehicles when suspicious behaviors occur 
  6. When the suspicion of drugs/Illegal contraband risen

Here’s a list of situations where it may not be safe to deploy a police K9:

  1. Crowded Public Areas
  2. Presence of Hostile Animals
  3. Armed Suspects in Confined Spaces
  4. Active Assailant incidents (Active Shooter)
  5. Hazardous Environments
  6. Interstate Highway or Heavy Traffic
  7. High-risk Tactical Operations
  8. Unstable Structures
  9. Hostage Situations

Ensuring the safety of the K9 in these types of environments is critical for the well-being of both the dog and the success of the mission.

Uniform Policy

K9 Troopers may utilize the following variant uniform: all items not listed are from the standard uniform SOP. This uniform may only be used while operating in service with a K9. 

Uniform ItemMaleFemale
Hats/Helmets Optional)
Upper Body
Lower Body
Shirt Overlay & Jackets

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