SAST: Standard Operating Procedures

Objectives & Purpose

The San Andreas State Troopers (SAST) standard operating procedures (SOP) outline the protocols, guidelines, and best practices that govern trooper operations and conduct within the agency. These SOPs have multifaceted objectives and purposes and are designed to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, and adherence to legal and ethical standards.

This document governs the department’s routine operations, both operationally and administratively, unless otherwise directed by the Commissioner of the Department of Emergency Services.

All Department members are expected to be familiar with the contents of this document.


  1. Standardization: Establish uniform policies and procedures for all SAST personnel to promote consistency in operations, decision-making, and enforcement actions.
  2. Legal Compliance: Ensure that SAST operations comply with applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and constitutional requirements.
  3. Professionalism: Foster a culture of professionalism, integrity, and accountability among SAST members.
  4. Efficiency and Effectiveness: Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement operations by providing clear guidelines and best practices.
  5. Transparency: Provide a transparent framework for the public to understand the policies and procedures governing SAST operations.
  6. Adaptability: Allow for flexibility and adaptability in responding to changing circumstances and emerging challenges in law enforcement.
  7. Risk Management: Minimize risks associated with law enforcement activities and protect the safety of both officers and the public.
  8. Training and Development: Guide the training and development of SAST personnel to ensure they possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities to fulfill their duties effectively.
  9. Documentation: Establish a system for documenting and reporting law enforcement activities, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  10. Continuous Improvement: Promote a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and updating these SOPs to reflect best practices and lessons learned.

These SOPs serve as a valuable resource for all members of the SAST, providing clear guidelines for carrying out their duties and responsibilities in a professional, ethical, and efficient manner.

Mission Statement

The San Andreas State Troopers (SAST) mission is to serve and protect the people of San Andreas by enforcing the law, preserving peace and order, and providing professional, compassionate, and responsive law enforcement services.

We are committed to:

  • Upholding the law impartially and fairly and protecting the rights of all individuals
  • Ensuring the safety and security of our communities
  • Providing high-quality, responsive law enforcement services
  • Treating all individuals with dignity and respect
  • Promoting public trust and confidence through transparency and accountability
  • Embracing diversity and fostering a culture of inclusion and respect
  • Continuously improving our practices and services through innovation and evidence-based decision-making

The San Andreas State Troopers are dedicated to serving our communities with honor, integrity, and professionalism.

Operational Responsibilities & Units

Operational Responsibilities & Units

The San Andreas State Troopers, by State Law, is the only Law Enforcement Agency authorized to operate at the state, county, and local levels. The State Troopers shall fill the function of local patrols, investigations, civil service, emergency communications, and correctional/parole supervision.

Due to concerns with staffing and standards the Department of Emergency Service has transferred responsibility for Emergency Medical Services to the San Andreas State Troopers effective August 2024.

SAFR will retain responsibility for backing up SAST in times of high volume.

Law Enforcement Operations

According to state law, SAST is currently the sole law enforcement agency for the State of San Andreas. Primary patrol, canine patrol, and investigative services are split between two geographical commands: Troop A for Los Santos City and County and Troop B for Blaine County.

It should be noted that waterways, federal and state parks, as well as the Port of Los Santos falls to the primary jurisdiction of Troop E. All interstate highways fall under the primary jurisdiction of Troop T.

The San Andreas Bureau of Investigation (SABI) is split between the various troops.

Troop A Headquarters: West Vinewod
Troop B Headquarters: Paleto Bay

Environmental and Wildlife Protection

The SAST Troop E serves the state as its Environmental and Wildlife protection arm. Environmental and Wildlife Troopers are specially trained to protect the state’s wildlife and manage environmental concerns. Troop E is also responsible for off-road, beach, marine, dive team, and Port of Los Santos patrol operations. SAST Troop E will often backfill patrol operations across the Troop B area of operations.

Troop E Headquarters: Paleto Bay
Marine/Dive Unit Headquarters: Shank St Marina

Traffic Services Division

Troop T is responsible for all highway and traffic safety operations throughout the state, focusing on the major state and interstate highways. Troop T is home to the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (CVE), Motor Bike Unit (MBU), and Motor Vehicle Investigations (MVI) unit in addition to standard high visible patrols and a DUI Task Force.

Troop T Headquarters: La Mesa

Special Operations Division

Troop S is responsible for the department’s Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT), Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Helicopter Task Force (HTF), and other specialized response units. It also maintains the Mobile Command Center, which is located at its headquarters.

Troop S Headquarters: Davis
HTF Headquarters: Shank ST Marina

Emergency Communications

San Andreas State Troopers provides the only public safety answering point with a next-generation, capable emergency 911 system for the entire state. All calls for service received via 10-digit or 911 lines are dispatched to all agencies within the state by SAST, including Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services.

Criminal Laboratory and Medical Examination

SAST administers and operates a criminal laboratory to serve the agency. The San Andreas Medical Examiners office works in conjunction with the SAST to support all criminally suspicious deaths.

Corrections, Civil Enforcement, Security, and Parole

Collectively known as “Troop D,” this SAST division is the department’s largest. Responsible for the operations of all correctional and holding facilities and the safety and transport of all prisoners and inmates in SAST/State Custody.

Additionally, with no Sheriff Departments within the state, the division is responsible for enforcing and serving all civil orders, such as warrants, orders of protection, etc. This division is also responsible for the security of all state, county, and local government property and the State Parole Supervision operation.

Emergency Medical Services

Starting in August of 2024 the SAST also assumed the responsibilities of providing all Emergency Medical Services, Community Health, and Pre-Hospital medical operations within the state from the San Andreas Fire Rescue.

The Emergency Medical Services Division will also be known as Troop M. All Troopers assigned to the division will be certified Emergency Medical Technicians, Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians, and Paramedics. Paramedics in the department will be able to respond via specially equipped trooper vehicles as both patrol and EMS units to provide rapid response to the city.

Sub-units include: Tactical EMS and Behavioral Health Response Team
Troop M Headquarters: Vespucci Beach

Equipment & Resources

Uniform and Appearance

  1. All troopers are required to maintain a professional appearance and utilize properly authorized department uniforms at all times. All Troopers are authorized to utilize Class B or C uniforms with proper cover while on duty at all times. 
  2. All troopers must wear appropriate cover (hats) at all times, while outdoor covers should also be worn when assigned to a call for service unless inappropriate.
  3. Appropriate weather variants of uniforms are authorized at the discretion and good judgment of the Trooper. 
  4. Polo and T-Shirt uniforms are authorized for use from 00:00EST Sundays until 00:00EST Mondays. Covers are optional during this period.
  5. Troopers assigned to special details may wear appropriate utility uniforms, polo shirts, or T-shirts as authorized by detail commanders or the SOP.
  6. SAST Command may authorize alternate uniforms as desired.
  7. SAST Command is authorized to wear plain business casual or higher-level clothes.
  8. SAST Members must always display a shield while on duty unless authorized for undercover operations by an appropriate supervisor or member of SAST Command.

Authorized Vehicles & Operations

  1. Troopers must utilize the appropriate patrol vehicle assigned by rank or duty assignment at all times.
  2. Troopers ranked Sergeant or above may utilize the supervisor livery in place of their appropriate patrol or specialty unit livery.
  3. Troopers ranked Lieutenant or above may operate a slick top unit while conducting routine patrol operations.
  4. Routine patrol operations shall be conducted in an appropriately marked vehicle unless special authorization is given from command.
  5. Vehicles should be utilized in a manner that is safe for operators, traffic, and bystanders at all times.
  6. All government vehicles involved in a motor vehicle accident must make notification to a supervisor (if available) to complete an accident report.  A corporal may respond in place of a supervisor if none are available or at discretion of supervisor. If possible a Traffic Services Division unit should respond as well.

Authorized Equipment

Troopers must be properly equipped while on duty unless special assignments dictate troopers will be expected to have the following equipment at all times:

  • Service Weapon (Glock 19)
  • Taser
  • Telescoping baton
  • Flashlight
  • Portable Radio
  • Body Camera
  • Bean Bag Shotgun – The weapon should be racked in the vehicle unless needed for a tactical situation that warrants its use.
  • Assault Rifle (AR-15) – The weapon should be racked in the vehicle unless needed for a tactical situation that warrants its use.

Operational Expectations

The operational expectations for a patrol unit of the San Andreas State Troopers (SAST) encompass a range of responsibilities and duties aimed at promoting public safety, enforcing laws, and providing assistance to the community. Here are some key expectations for SAST patrol units:

  1. Patrol Operations: Patrol units are expected to conduct proactive patrols of assigned areas, including highways, rural roads, and urban neighborhoods. Troopers should remain vigilant for signs of criminal activity, traffic violations, and emergencies and be prepared to respond promptly to calls for service.
  2. Traffic Enforcement: Troopers are responsible for enforcing traffic laws and regulations to ensure the safe and orderly flow of traffic. This includes monitoring speed limits, investigating traffic collisions, and apprehending drivers who violate traffic laws, such as driving under the influence or recklessly.
  3. Crime Prevention and Detection: Patrol units are crucial in preventing and detecting criminal activity within their patrol areas. Troopers should proactively identify suspicious behavior, conduct field interviews, and take appropriate action to address potential threats to public safety.
  4. Emergency Response: Patrol units are often the first responders to emergencies, including traffic accidents, medical emergencies, and incidents requiring law enforcement intervention. Troopers should be prepared to assess situations quickly, provide immediate assistance to those in need, and coordinate with other emergency responders as necessary.
  5. Community Engagement: Troopers are expected to engage positively with community members, building rapport and fostering trust. This may involve participating in community events, conducting outreach programs, and addressing residents’ concerns. Effective communication and collaboration with the community are essential for maintaining public trust and cooperation.
  6. Documentation and Reporting: Troopers are responsible for accurately documenting their activities, observations, and interactions in detailed reports. This includes documenting traffic stops, arrests, use of force incidents, and other significant events. Thorough and accurate reporting ensures accountability and facilitates the investigation and prosecution of criminal offenses.
  7. Professionalism and Integrity: Patrol units are expected always to uphold high standards of professionalism, integrity, and ethical conduct. Troopers should demonstrate respect for the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances, and adhere to the SAST’s code of conduct and policies.

Overall, the operational expectations for SAST patrol units revolve around maintaining public safety, enforcing laws, serving the community, and upholding the values of professionalism and integrity. By fulfilling these expectations, patrol units contribute to the overall mission of the SAST to protect and serve the people of San Andreas.

Use of Force

“Use of force” refers to the application of physical or psychological coercion by police officers in their duties. This coercion may range from verbal commands and unarmed control techniques to the use of less-lethal weapons (such as pepper spray or tasers) or lethal force (such as firearms). The decision to use force is typically governed by a combination of laws, departmental policies, and the officer’s assessment of the situation’s threat level and the necessity to protect themselves or others from harm.

The Use of Force Continuum describes an escalating series of actions an officer may take to resolve a situation. This continuum generally has many levels, and officers are instructed to respond with a level of force appropriate to the situation at hand, acknowledging that the officer may move from one part of the continuum to another in seconds.

UOF Investigations Policy

  1. Any use of force above the threshold as listed above in the Use of Force Continuum <b>MUST</b> be investigated following this policy.
  2. All Use of Force reports shall be documented appropriately for tracking via the appropriate form.
  3. All Troopers who use physical force to subdue a suspect in the line of duty are required to submit to a use-of-force investigation. This investigation will be conducted primarily by the San Andreas Bureau of Investigations or, if unavailable, any SAST Supervisor.
  4. Should a Use of Force occur and no supervisor or SABI agent available a Corporal may take a report if the Trooper under investigation is a Trooper III or below.
  5. When possible a supervisor should respond to all Use of Force reports to take command of the scene and provide oversight of the investigation and consult as needed with the SABI agent. If a SABI agent is not available then the first supervisor on site should conduct the investigation and a second arriving supervisor should take command.
  6. If as a supervisor or SABI Agent is on site at the time of the use of force and are a witness they may not participate as either the investigator or responding supervisor.
    • To clarify above, the supervisors on site will retain command of the incident but may not provide oversight or comment on the investigation except as a witness.
    • If possible command should be passed to the next arriving supervisor or Corporal if needed.

Corrective and Disciplinary Actions

This section refers to actions taken by department personnel as authorized by rank or position. Further action may be taken due to membership or behavioral concerns as a community member as described in the Community/Server policies.

To provide a fair and even playing field, a member of the SAST Supervision staff may take the following actions in response to a trooper not following or meeting the department’s expected standards.

While this is a role-playing game, the purpose of our server is that of advanced role-play, and members are expected to operate as they would in real life.

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